So I decided to draft up a set of conditions I'm going to follow for my pub challenge, that can also be adapted in future to similar challenges by other people. So far I've held myself to them strictly. Here they are:
Condition #1: An alcoholic beverage is to be consumed on the premesis
Courtesy: The beverage should be a pint of beer, ale or similar with exceptions for specialities such as whiskey in distillery bars or signature beverages of the pub.
Condition #2: Photo evidence must be produced inside the pub where allowed
Courtesy: Number, name and location of pub should be displayed visibly in the photo, along with aforementioned alcoholic beverage
Condition #3: Qualification for pub classification
a. The venue must serve beer on tap that may be consumed on premesis, or simply alcoholic beverages for special exceptions (such as distilleries)
b. The venue must be a permanent building or part of a building (ie no tents or other temporary constructions)
c. The venue's primary or equal primary purpose must be the serving and consumption of alcoholic beverages.
Exceptions to b. and c. are allowed for iconic or otherwise famous venues. Contention of qualification to be judged by an impartial third party.
My rules are a little bit simpler: if I bought a beer there and drank it there, it counts.