Saturday, 10 September 2011


Well that was fun (he says, his voice dripping with sarasm).
So far my train rides from destination to destination witin Italy have been trouble-free. Regular, fast services. In Venice, okay, I missed the train I had booked the day before. It was seriously like in the movies - running up to the platform just as the train starts to move off. However, I was easily able to change my ticket for the next one, an hour later, and the ride only took about two hours. In Florence, realizing how often trains ran and how many free spaces were on them, I didn't even bother booking one beforehand to Rome, I simply showed up and got one within twenty minutes. Same deal getting to Naples. Now, with the experience I'd had so far you would expect that I should have been able to show up at the train station in Naples to catch a train to Brindisi - no futher away, I might add, than any of my other destinations had been - to get to the port with plenty of time for my ferry at 6:30, at 10:00am and still have plenty of space to breathe. (If that last sentence was a bit of a word salad, I'm sorry. Read it again and imagine it twice as long with twice as many commas and hyphens and you'll get some impression of what the book I'm currently reading - the Turn of the Screw - is like, but I digress)
Unfortunately this was not the case. The next train going in even vaguely the right direction was leaving at about quarter to three and, after a change of trains in someplace in the middle of nowhere called Caserta, I could expect a nearly four hour ride that would leave me in Brindisi at quarter to eight at night. So, unless I was keen to swim after my ferry that already had over an hour headstart, I was pretty much screwed.
After weighing up all my options, the best one left to me was to try and change my booking to the following day at the same time and simply cancel my first night in Greece. I then decided rather than risk missing an appropriate train again I would travel that night to Brindisi. At this point, fortunately for me but unfortunately for you readers (drama is exciting to read after all), everything seems to have gone perfectly well. I've changed my ferry booking, and I don't thing I even have to pay a surcharge. I (relatively) easily found the hotel I had hastily booked in Brindisi. I even changed the booking for my hire car to a few days later in Athens and got a refud for the part of the money I had already paid!
So now I'm sitting in an overpriced, slow internet cafe in Brindisi wondering what I'm going to do with five or six hours.

Oh, one more thing: if you read this blog but don't comment, I urge you to please do so. It gets a bit hard to have the motivation to write something every day when you don't know if people are reading. Yes, you need an account to write a response, but it's free and relatively painless. Please start commenting and let me know I'm not alone!
(Insert sad violin)


  1. You are not alone! Our thoughts are with you all the way! GROVER WAVES HIS OBVIOUSOY ALLERGY FREE PAWS: COME BACK, COME BACK! Fancy that.

  2. I read this all the time but I hardly ever post.

  3. I read this loads too - I should comment more! :D

    So here's a comment for inspiration! ^__^
    Your blog is AMAZING! <3

  4. Well, thanks heaps everyone! Looks like you're going to still have to put up with my posts anyway!
